Ring a Month theme for June

The ring a month challenge for jewellers continues to grow. Thanks for being a part of it. If you haven’t already joined you are more than welcome to start with June!

How do I join in?

Everyone is welcome using any material or jewellery making discipline, whatever your level of experience, wherever you are in the world.


Join the private Facebook group here and post a picture of your ring when you’re done. Work in progress shots are also welcome as are blog posts on your work

Facebook group > https://www.facebook.com/groups/makearingamonth/


Follow @ringamonth


Share your ring on your Instagram account with the hashtag #ringamonth2020 and you’ll be shared in the stories. A selection of rings will also be shared as a regram on the account.

You are welcome to join in on both! And please do like and comment on people’s work. This is a supportive community and that has been great to see.

So here it is, The theme for June is travel.

ring a month theme for May 2020

OK, so we can’t travel at the moment. But it is good to think about where we will go next when we can or travels we have enjoyed in the past.

Some ideas for you:

  • Where would you love to travel to next?

  • What is your favourite type of holiday? Relaxing on a beach? City break? Safari? Hiking in the wild? Staycation?

  • Where have you been that inspired you? What have you seen?

  • What cultures inspire you? What about them do you find so compelling?

  • Is it the journey or the destination that is important to you?

  • Can you think of a photograph that you have taken that sums up a holiday for you?

You can be as abstract or concrete as you like in your design. Alternatively, if you aren't inspired by this theme, make a ring of your own design. The challenge is to make a ring a month, the theme is optional. But please only share a ring made in June, rings made previously don’t count!

I look forward to seeing what you make!


Week 3 of my 100 days project Scotland


Week 2 of my 100 days project Scotland