10 years ago today …

Martha Beck quote

10 years ago today I journeyed to the London Jewellery School to take a beginners metal clay class. It was the first time I'd ever tried it and the pieces I made are awful as you can see! I'm glad to say that every beginner I teach makes a much better job of it.


But. that day I felt the magic glittering at the edge of my life as the amazing Martha Beck put it so eloquently. She's talking about those moments in life where you know that something is pulling you in; when something or someone is going to be really important to you. You don't know how or why but you feel that it's true. I wrote 'I've seen my future and it's metal clay' on that day. And it was.


At that time I worked full time in a university. In 2013 I left that job to work with jewellery full time. I became a tutor at LJS, the jewellery school I'd first learnt at. I wrote articles for magazines and did live TV demos. I have taught at the UK metal clay conference each year. And there's more to come. So I’m very grateful for following that gut feeling ten years ago and for being able to recognise the feeling now and follow it even if I don’t know where it’s going to lead.


Week 10 of my 100 days project Scotland


Week 9 of my 100 days project Scotland